Save Haiti Tri-County Bike Roundup:
A call to action
The Haitian Diaspora mobilizes for Haiti. Local officials, nonprofit organizations, student organizations, and volunteers all throughout South Florida are meeting up to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the earthquake tragedy and to garner support for Haiti.

January 12, 2011 will mark the anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti that took more than 300,000 lives and left the country in rubbles. On that day, Salusa Basquin, educator, radio host, poet, DJ and long time member of the Haitian Community in South Florida, will be doing a Tri-County bike roundup for manpower to help rebuild Haiti.
His biking tour will begin at 5:30AM in the city of Lake Park with a prayer and a word from the Mayor. He will bike to the City Hall in Riviera Beach. There he will meet up with supporters from the community.
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