Haitian All-Starz

The Best Representation of Haitian Entertainment, Culture, & LifeStyle

Haitian All-Starz
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  • Brooklyn, NY
  • United States
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Haitian All-Starz's Friends

  • DJ Ben Hop
  • D Fleurie
  • Felix Lamothe
  • Karfx
  • IE-Man Nine-oh Alphonse
  • YouShouldcare2 Inc.
  • micheline fevry
  • octave vante
  • lovely mera
  • Flash Bowlding
  • Ricardo Cineus
  • Gregg Eazy
  • Trillionaire Mind
  • mullerjeanfrancois

Haitian All-Starz's Page

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Marketing Genius, Entrepreneur, & Rebuilding Haiti
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January 12, 2010 is a date that will forever be etched in the minds of many people in the world. The earthquake that struck Haiti on that tragic afternoon was devastating. The earthquake destroyed most of Haiti’s capital and several surrounding cities. Haitians were severely impacted and is the reason we have embarked on this new journey to develop Haitian All-Starz. Our goal is to unite and collectively represent Haiti’s culture on a global scale. Haitian All-Starz is a coalition of DJ’s, Musicians, Artist, Public Relations, Web designers, Business owners, & est who specialize in their craft as professionals. Our sole purpose is to represent Haitian culture on all levels to the world. Our member's are very talented. They are all proud supporters of Haiti and its culture and people. Haitian All-Starz brand is synonymous with quality and professionalism. We operate like a family and respect each and every member talent and hustle. We only select the best of the best and soon Haitian All-Starz family will be a respected name all over the world. One love, One heart, One Islandà Haiti.
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Haitian All-Starz's Blog

17th Annual Haitian Compas Festival Is Today

Posted on May 16, 2015 at 11:30am 0 Comments

by DJayCee - Jeff Ciceron 

                                               From Ticket Master - Haitian Compas Festival

As my day is already in swing, I bet the day of many engineers in…


Technical Difficulties: Conference Room Set-Up

Posted on May 12, 2015 at 7:59am 0 Comments

Last week was a busy week putting together a new mix and the work load was steady. This one project was setting up a conference room. Much can be learned as to how corporate America is changing. So much technology is used to connect and overcome language barriers.

Conferencing is a great way to get a group together. In these conference rooms,…


Technical Difficulties: Video Wall Panel Replacement

Posted on May 1, 2015 at 8:53am 0 Comments

Yesterday, I was at the Microsoft Store located at Microsoft 11 Times Sq,New York, New York 10036 and replaced two video wall panels.

They are magnetic and stick to a specially made frame that supports the panels. You just pop it in. Now this technology is so cool and just brings everything to life for real, like OD status.



Technical Difficulties of a Haitian All-StarZ DJ, DJayCee the Engineer (Blog Series)

Posted on April 24, 2015 at 10:13pm 0 Comments

To inspire a new generation 

To brighten new horizons

To lead a community into the future

Be prepared for a real show only an engineer can bring to you.

This is my life, the life of an Haitian All-StarZ Founder and DJ, me, DJayCee the…


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At 11:19am on February 1, 2012, Haitian Sensation said…

Hi everyone. I'm in this contest to participate in an amazing tour. And I need all the suport i can get. How you vote is actually just download my song called "Thank Allah" and it's free. That's it. Thank's to all the brothers and sisters supporting. H.S

Here's the direct link to download this sick track (Thank Allah) for free. go get it and support us while doing so. http://www.facebook.com/hardrocktoronto?sk=app_205164529573076&app_data=artist%3A960699

At 7:38pm on January 29, 2012, Hertz Nazaire said…

Bro Help Support this Haitian Documentary Film - Peace

At 5:22pm on July 27, 2011, monica dismas said…
Hello My Dear, how is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your profile beside i have something very vital to disclose to you,send me mail,
   ( monicadismas@yahoo.com

At 10:21am on February 7, 2011, Jay "DJayCee" Ciceron said…
At 11:58am on January 18, 2011, Negg Nwaa said…
Indeed, Haiti has a part of my heart.
At 7:21am on January 8, 2011, marie hoek said…
haitian 4eva l love it
At 5:16pm on December 7, 2010, Puma Swaid said…
Thanx 4 da add btw... i'm down wit da movement nah mean..
At 5:15pm on December 7, 2010, Puma Swaid said…
Da kid is here, so let's take over!!
At 12:15pm on November 19, 2010, Corey L Frey said…
At 2:40pm on November 18, 2010, Hunter Kinkead said…

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