Haitian All-Starz

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Haitian Diaspora

The Haitian Diaspora, friends and allies united to work on behalf of a new Haiti

Location: Globe
Members: 15
Latest Activity: Feb 1, 2012

The Global Haitian Community

In this great time of crisis for Haiti, support of the Haitian diaspora has been essential, as will it continue to be throughout the rebuilding process.

Here is a link to a table listing the population estimates of Haitians in the U.S.

From Wikipedia:

"There are an estimated 600,000 Haitians in the United States, 100,000 in Canada and 800,000 in the Dominican Republic. The Haitian community in France numbers about 80,000, and up to 80,000 Haitians now live in the Bahamas."

Discussion Forum

Haiti needs you!

Started by Max Mustermann Oct 13, 2010. 0 Replies

Hello everybody, it is important to consultwith YOU -the Haitian Diaspora – who have strong emotional and practicalconnection with Haiti - and get your unique understanding on what youfeel makes…Continue

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Comment by Haitian Sensation on February 1, 2012 at 11:20am

Hi everyone. I'm in this contest to participate in an amazing tour. And I need all the suport i can get. How you vote is actually just download my song called "Thank Allah" and it's free. That's it. Thank's to all the brothers and sisters supporting. H.S

Here's the direct link to download this sick track (Thank Allah) for free. go get it and support us while doing so. http://www.facebook.com/hardrocktoronto?sk=app_205164529573076&app_data=artist%3A960699

Comment by Haitian Sensation on December 7, 2010 at 6:06pm
That's more than tru. It's those old ones with the 'I do me you do you' mentality that are corrupting the younger generation. What has to be done for our mother land to be stable will take years and years cuz corruption is a long chain.
Comment by Jay "DJayCee" Ciceron on December 7, 2010 at 5:58pm
Haitian Diaspora are the people, and their descendants, who have successfully left Haiti to go live in other nations. They have not gone in equal numbers to all other nations, bias is to where French or Kreole is already spoken, and to nations easier to immigrate to. USA for example has demographics estimating that most Haitian immigrants end up in certain cities like New Orleans, North Miami, Boston, Chicago, and certain localities in New York and New Jersey. These numbers estimate legal immigration, when in fact there is also a larger number who have not passed muster with USA immigration laws.
Comment by Haitian All-Starz on December 7, 2010 at 5:40pm
It doesn't sound impossible just very complex. If we do clean up the streets of Haiti and take the guns away from the gangsters that will help the living condition of the people... I think we need to start with the corrupt government first. They are the ones thats killing our nation. They the care about the youth of the future. Once they suck the nation money dry they pack up their family & friends to go live in another country.

I think we need to focus on the youth of Haiti because they are the future leaders of Haiti.. I really don't care for anyone in there 50's and up who toke part in fucking up the country.

It's up to us to go back home and help the youth of tomorrow better themselves.
Comment by Haitian Sensation on December 7, 2010 at 2:25pm
Also, I see that we're forgetting how agriculture was our gold mind.
Comment by Haitian Sensation on December 7, 2010 at 2:23pm
I agree, but first we need to find out what the problem is. Dig deep to find the roots of the problems and then see what group of people would be best to help. Example, around here, all i hear is how down there is so dangerous, so many civilians with machine guns in Port-Au-P'. Civilians having the weapons is not the problem. The provider IS the problem. I think the very first thing we would have to attack is that issue. Once this is sorved, it'll be much easier to feed and help the people. Once secured, more companies will be willing to enter the country and provide jobs, which is what we need. Am I wrong??
Comment by Haitian All-Starz on December 7, 2010 at 10:09am
I agree with you on that, It's going to take a team of people with different ideas and plans to help rebuild Haiti.. Unity is the force we need to start the changing process of Haiti. We could put our heads together and work collectively in restoring Haiti.
Comment by Kino Mondesir on December 7, 2010 at 9:26am
I have gotten into a debate with a colleague of mine about the solution to Haiti's problems. I believe that one man cannot solve Haiti's problems. This is because there problems are complex and numerous. I believe that various groups should focus on one problem at a time. What are your thoughts on that.
Comment by Haitian Sensation on October 10, 2010 at 3:29pm
Wow There're too many of us away from home.. hope we can all combine and reach back to help our mother land.

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