Haitian All-Starz

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Worlwide Prayer for Haiti (Ayiti) Sunday October 31st @ your time

Event Details

Worlwide Prayer for Haiti (Ayiti) Sunday October 31st @ your time

Time: October 31, 2010 all day
Location: Worldwide see(Worlwide Prayer for Haiti (Ayiti) Sunday October 31st @ your Time www.causes.com)
Street: Worldwide
City/Town: Worldwide
Event Type: global, prayer, for, ayiti
Organized By: Maggy Gousse
Latest Activity: Oct 26, 2010

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Event Description

Please follow this world chart to find your place and time on Sunday October 31st 2010. We all shall take a minute of Global prayer for Haiti, all in the same time. It will take a minute to close your eyes and think of Haiti. All you have to do is ask God (the Universe, for those who do not believe in God, it's the same) to help the Country of Haiti. If you desire you may say the following, it is up to you:

"Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be open unto you; ask and ye shall receive"

SVP suivez cette charte d'heure Universelle et trouver votre location ou vous serez Dimanche le 31 Octobre 2010. Nous allons prendre une simple minute et appliquer une priere Global pour Haiti, en meme temps. Cela vous prendra une simple minute de fermer vos yeux et de penser a Haiti. Tout ce que vous avez a faire c'est de demander a Dieu ( L'Univers, pour ceux qui ne crois pas en Dieu, c'est la meme chose) d'aider le Pays d'Haiti. Si vous le desirez, vous pouvez dire cette priere, cela dependra de vous:

Cherche et tu trouvera, frappe et ce sera ouvert pour toi; demande et tu recevra"

In reference for your time:Worlwide Prayer for Haiti (Ayiti) Sunday October 31st @ your Time


Current UTC (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 15:00:00
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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Comment by Maggy Gousse on October 26, 2010 at 4:36pm
Please take the time before you celebrate Halloween to pray for the Country of Haiti ( Ayiti) it takes a minute. Look at the worldwide time chart and find the time. All will pray in the same time on the 31st. It is up to you? Usually, money is ask, this time, it is your prayer at a specific time. Yes you can. Thanks.

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