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Haiti - Elections : 12 Senators accuse...

Haiti - Elections : 12 Senators accuse...
12 Senators, in a press note released today, strongly condemned the non respect of the will of the people expressed during the vote on March 20. Adding that before such political machinations orchestrated by the anti-national of INITE at the service of partisan interests, they undertake to defend the general interest of the nation.

For this group of Senators, the President Préval is trying by all means to keep the control of state affairs in the parliament by reintroducing all the parliamentarians who were opposed to the law on minimum wage increase, which voted for the emergency law and the extension of his mandate. Which, according to them will make that Preval will have with him elements without any legitimacy, docile subordinates and without quality that he will be able to mobilize for its own purposes ...

They point out that systematic violations of the Electoral Law are destroying the fragile democratic process... Adding that as Senators of the Republic, we published a note of protest on Thursday, April 21 and we have learned with satisfaction that human rights organizations whose RNDDH and President-elect, Mr. Joseph Michel Martelly also requested the CEP to respect the popular vote, while stating that:

  1. We welcome these protests, and we demand that the results of this manipulation are not published in the Official Journal.

  2. We also support the request of the RNDDH and the request of newly elected President for the creation of an independent commission of investigation composed of Haitians.

  3. The responsibles cannot remain unpunished; thus we demand a prohibition to leave the country for all of the members of the CEP and its Director General, until light is shed.

  4. We ask the public to understand the magnitude and the challenge of this betrayal led by a president in his end of term surrounded by his clique. The need for change and social justice requires vigilance before these undemocratic maneuvers and demand the respect of the will expressed at the polls in March 20, 2011. We ask it to keep the mobilization for the respect of its vote and we assure the population of our commitment to accompany it for the crucial problems of the country.

The note bears the signatures of these Senators:

Maxime Roumer (Grand’Anse)
Edmonde Beauzile (Centre)
Nenel Cassy (Nippes)
Jean Willy Jean Baptiste (Artibonite)
Youri Latortue (Artibonite)
Andris Riché (Grand’Anse)
Jean William Jeanty (Nippes)
Steeven Benoit (Ouest)
Mélius Hyppolite (Nord-Ouest)
Anick Francois Joseph (Artibonite)
Polycarpe Wesner (Nord)
Evallière Beauplan (Nord-Ouest)

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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