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Haiti - Elections : Tours and support of both candidates...

Haiti - Elections : Tours and support of both candidates...
The tour of the two candidates continues across the country and beyond borders. Mirlande Manigat made a campaign of proximity putting the emphasis on the competence, the morality, the éducation She courted the religious voters and women voters with few detail on its commitments and no big promises. For his part, Michel Martelly explains his program and made promises like the free education for all. We found that most of the commitments and promises of the candidate Martelly correspond to the schedule and projects approved by the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) and funded by international, as free education (commitment of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 250 million and the International Community for a total of 500 million over 5 years).

Mirlande Manigat :
Mrs. Manigat received Wednesday the support of the National Network of Haitian Students (RENEH). Speaking at a press conference, Martial Bénêche, spokesman of the RENEH and former leader of the protesting students who had engaged for several months, a tussle with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the State University. has justified the support for the candidacy of Mrs. Manigat because of his knowledge, experience and character. "A shoemaker can not make pants, everyone must do what he is capable of doing. One who can sing will continue to sing", said the spokesman highlighting the heavy legacy that the next President will have to assume.

On Wednesday, the candidate Mirlande Manigat received support from the widow of the Dominican Social Democratic leader Francisco Pena Gomez. During a meeting of two hours the two women have discussed of bilateral relations, trade and education. Mrs. Pena Gomez has made a plea for a greater involvement of women in political life of Haiti and considered that the victory of Mirlande Manigat could enhance the image of Haiti abroad.

Manigat tour :
Mirlande Manigat pursuing a campaign of proximity by courting the Protestant world whose voters could play a determining role. She has attended several services organized for the anniversary of two religious stations, Radio Shalom and Radio Lumière. Sen. Latortue announced that she will travel on Saturday in several public markets in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince and she will hold a meeting that same day in the neighborhood of Bel-Air.

Michel Martelly
Michel Martelly officially received the support this week of the National Industrial Agricultural Party (PAIN). Toussaint Desrosiers, Secretary General of PAIN [which has not signed this support] states that, initially, the party had offered to support the candidate Mirlande Manigat. But specifies, that the candidate did not subscribe to the conditions set, the Executive Board of PAIN is moving towards his rival Michel Martelly. In a statement the PAIN indicates that "Most of priorities [of the program of Martelly] are the essence of the program PAIN [...] The party therefore calls his followers and supporters and undecided voters, to participate fully to the effort that will make the candidate Michel Martelly, the next president of the Republic of Haiti".

Michel Martelly won the support of Stanley Schrager, the former spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Haiti said that "It is a sincere family man who pays great attention to his children [...] a man a bit quiet and thoughtful, a really nice type", adding "At first I thought he would make a terrible President for Haiti. Today I think differently and I hope that he will be the next president of Haiti. He could be the last hope of this country"

Martelly Tour:
Michel Martelly on his side, is going to the conquest of new territories by traveling on Tuesday in the Northwest, where he made his first stop in Mole Saint Nicolas. Other rallies were held in other communes of this department including among others Port-de-Paix and Jean-Rabel. The candidate was in Florida Thursday and today Friday will be in New York.

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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