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Haiti - Elections : Very different reactions from both candidates

Haiti - Elections : Very different reactions from both candidates
Both candidates, in the aftermath of the poll react by press release on very different tones. After reading the press releases issued by both candidates, we find that in the press release of the candidate Mirlande Manigat, is reflected a nervousness and a tone more "aggressive" and "accuser". Moreover, the statement of the candidate on her winning position is somewhat contradictory with her statements and warnings...

In the press release of the candidate Michel Martelly, the tone is very different, without charge he gives an impression of serenity and confidence regarding the results. Away from the charges of his opponents and of any self proclaimed winner.

Beyond the rumors and the clumsy excesses of some of our colleagues, we leave the care to our readers to make their opinion starting from the facts and to draw their own conclusion.

Presse release of Mirlande Manigat :
In a press release published on March 21 of the communication office of the candidate Mirlande H. Manigat, signed by Patrice Dumont, spokesman for the candidate it is written:

"It is to be deplored however that certain press organs have violated the counting centers for disseminate the results from some polling stations of Port-au-Prince while the counting of votes had not even begun in almost all of the centres. This maneuver rough of the camp Repon Peyizan intended to a auto proclamation programmed. This is contrary to the electoral law and the democracy in general.

The press and the internet are infested with rumors. It knowingly pollute the working environment of the CEP. It is unfortunate that we want to reduce the expression of a national vote to some polling stations of the capital. By ethics and respect for the people and the democracy, Mirlande Manigat will never be an auto-proclaimed winner

After having thanking particularly those who gave their vote to #68, it is written in this press release The first minutes that reach the campaign office, announces the victory of the candidate, and this in all departments

Mirlande Manigat and her allies remain vigilant and ask everyone not to be influenced by fraudulent maneuvers and behaviors of each other."

Presse release of Michel Martelly :
In a press release published on March 21 of the campaign office of the candidate Michel Martelly, signed by Antonio Sola Head of the candidate's campaign it is written:

"We are satisfied with the electoral process held in Haiti on Sunday, March 20, 2010. The citizens of Haiti, without exception, have voted peacefully and in large numbers. These elections will remain, historically, as the birth of the democracy in Haiti.

"The majority of the minutes that we already have put us in a very comfortable position"

Our main desire is, remain and remains that the popular will, and that the vote of the Haitian is respected. This is the most important thing [...] We express our deepest gratitude to the citizens of Haiti for their support, their love and enthusiasm.

We wait quietly the official results that will be published by the CEP"

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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