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Haiti - Japan : "Rasta Piquett" pays homage to the courage of Japanese

Haiti - Japan :
Following the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the "Haitian Federation of Ski" and "the White Gold for Haiti (l’Or Blanc pour Haïti)" would like to express their sincere condolences to all families affected by this disaster and their support for the Japanese people who just pay a heavy price.

In a statement Jean Pierre Roy [Rasta Piquett], President of the Haitian Federation of Ski :
"This catastrophic situation, the Haitian people lived it with the earthquake of January 2010. We know that the open wounds will not be closed again before many years. This is why, we have all, each one on the Earth, a major role, which is to help to relieve the suffering vis-a-vis such events in the measure of the respective capabilities.

This assistance is materialized by two components: first, the generosity and secondly the restauration of the hope and give again a sense to the life. Are necessary, the messages of support, projects that stir the hearts, the idols which re-creating the souls in order to believe again in the future and to continue what is essential for the Humanity: the Life."

Jean Pierre Roy wishes to express its support and solidarity with the Japanese people. This Tuesday, March 15, our skier, transformed for the cause in "Haitian ambassador" will, shortly after 9:00 [French time], take the start of the descent of Méribel, but under special conditions. In homage to the courage of the Japanese people and for symbolically show their support, Jean Pierre will make the descent with the combination of Haiti and an armband bearing the image of the Japanese flag around his arm.

"We hope that this modest contribution will help to revive a spark of hope for the Japanese people: we will not forget you!"

Update March 16
The action of Jean Pierre on site yesterday, was notable and he has been applauded at the finish.

Jean Pierre showed them that it was possible, when a people undergoing a disaster of such magnitude, to have a symbolic thinking for themselves and show signs of support. Just as we must not forget the Haitians as long the situation has not returned to normal.
So, for today's race, the organizers would consider putting a Japanese flag at the finish and make a minute of silence.

Let us hope that the modest actions of Jean Pierre will allow to open the eyes of a largest number, without modesty, without shame, but just to say "On Earth, we must stand together"

Jean Pierre Roy
President of the Haitian Federation of Ski

Thank you Jean Pierre for this beautiful gesture!

HL/ HaitiLibre

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