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Haiti - Politic : A history of passports...

Haiti - Politic : A history of passports...

Leaders of the Fanmi Lavalas political organization requires of the Haitian authorities the renewal of the diplomatic passport of former President Jean Bertrand Aristide, who lives in exile in South Africa since his forced departure in 2004. These leaders have indicated that the former head of state should return to his country and that it is a right guaranteed by the Haitian constitution.

However, things are not easy for Jean Bertrand Aristide. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has indicated that any request for a Diplomatic Passport for an official Haitian living abroad, must be made in the Diplomatic Mission or Consular closest to his place of residence, to be then forwarded to the Chancery for treatment. Relatives of Mr. Aristide emphasize that it there is no diplomatic or consular mission of Haiti in South Africa and that the President in exile, is not allowed to travel outside the country to complete these formalities. In this case, it is the responsibility of the government of Haiti to take steps.

Aristide supporters see in this refusal, the political will of the Government Preval and not explained why the former President Jean Claude Duvalier has a diplomatic passport [number PPD000455] issued December 22, 2005. Expired passport, which is being renewed at the Chancellery, after a request from Jean Claude Duvalier in the Consulate General of Haiti in Paris. "Baby Doc" came to Haiti with an identity certificate issued by the Consulate General of Haiti in Paris, holding place temporarily of passport, pending the issuance of a new passport...

The supporters of Fanmi Lavalas, have said they will remain mobilized until the return of Aristide.


Article by S/ HaitiLibre

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