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Haiti - Politic : Fanmi Lavalas announces demonstrations for the return of J.B Aristide

Haiti - Politic : Fanmi Lavalas announces demonstrations for the return of J.B Aristide
Ansyto Felix, spokesman for the Permanent Commission of Mobilisation of Fanmi Lavalas, said this week that 2011 will be marked by a series of peaceful protests in Haiti and abroad, to obtain the return of former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, in exile in South Africa since February 2004.

A return that would be "citizen" and not "political" if we believe the words of J.B. Aristide expressed in an exclusive interview conducted in early November 2010 on the hills of Johannesburg, by independent journalist Nicolas Rossier (NR): "NR - You have said that you do not intend to become involved in politics, but rather return as a citizen. Is that your vision? " JBS : "Yes, and I said it because this is what I was doing before being elected in 1990." Read the interview of former President Aristide on his possible return to Haiti http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1672-haiti-aristide-they-talk-abo...

Ansyto Felix, said that Fanmi Lavalas continues to demand the annulment of the elections, the departure of head of state and the establishment of a provisional government on February 7, 2011. He blames the post-election crisis to the exclusion of his platform and says that the solution must be the inclusion of Lavalas in the country's political affairs

The spokesman for Fanmi Lavalas, relativized the recent statements of head of state in Gonaïves, according to which the resolution of the crisis must go through the respect of the constitution and electoral law. He says that "President René Préval is misplaced to talk of respect for the constitution and electoral law" wondering "how can we speak of respect for the electoral law and the constitution of 1987, when we appealed to a panel of foreign experts, not under Haitian law, under the pretext that we want to solve a problem ?" According to him, the Head of State and the OAS are responsible for the problem and are not its solution.

See also:

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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