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Haiti - Politic : Ginette Chérubin resigns

Haiti - Politic : Ginette Chérubin resigns
Following allegations of fraud, following the surprising decisions of the National Electoral Complaints and Challenges Bureau (BCEN), and various irregularities in the BCEN and the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), Ginette Chérubin, Electoral Advisor to the CEP, had refused to initial the results and provided explanations in a letter dated April 24, 2011. In the aftermath of her explanations, the Advisor announces in a information note, her resignation and the reasons behind that decision.

Information NOTE : Resignation of Ginette Cherubin of Provisional Electoral Council:
"Hereby, I announce to the spoken and written press, to the general public that I have submitted my letter of resignation to the President of the Republic, His Excellency René Préval.

I leave, thus, the position of Electoral Advisor where I was appointed by Presidential Decree on designation of to a set of Women Associations interested in the process of consensus reached, in 2007 between the Executive and a significant representation of political sector - consensus applied again in 2009, through a consultation of the sectors involved initially in the context of an option to renew or change the persons appointed to the CEP. In these circumstances, to have benefited from a renewal of confidence of the Associations who designated me, I found myself to the CEP in 2009 still in office to date.

After a long period of trial or a discredit was thrown on the CEP, the last elections - apparently satisfactory for all - had opened a door for the rehabilitation of the electoral institution. What consolidated me in the idea not to be not remained in vain and to have, in a certain sense, contributed to the restoration of an image that ran, at a certain moment, the risk of being forever tarnished. But the last phase of the process leading to dubious final results further tarnished - this time irreversibly, I think - the reputation and prestige of CEP.

Solidarity - as I always told to the CEP - which can not be unconditional and that must be based, above all, around a consensus on the principles and the ethical and moral values - has absolutely nothing to do with the complicity when the latter is unhealthy.

Today, some members of the CEP involved to the BCEN as the electoral judges have reached levels which have outraged my civic conscience and that my convictions do not allow me to cross. I went to the stage or any of my arguments fail to convince me. At this turning point, as I had promised in writing, I must acknowledge, humbly no longer be worthy of such a struggle. Also, the time has come for me to leave.

I think I used all my resources to do, honestly, my mission and enhance the electoral institution by an unconditional commitment for the rule of law, principles, ethical and moral values ​​and also for innovate in terms of transparency and communication with stakeholders; in terms of accountability by senior state officials. But, finally the day I think I have been very misunderstood to the CEP and it occurred there too many repeated scandals.

However, I think legitimate to say that I used all my skills and my expertise to implement what the feminist movement Haitian advocates "promoting women's leadership and do politics differently." And I don't think that I have demerit of their confidence.

In addition, I resorted to all my patience and my courage to avoid the whim of an early resignation, despite all sorts of pressures, driven by the intuition that the victory is in perseverance, not in flight and that it is important to rebuild the Haitian State to conduct, in synergy, a battle on two fronts: from the exterior space where must be exercised pressure forces dissuasive and having some capacity of nuisance, able to demand a rupture with the current harmful practices and to prevent or punish socially any imposture; from the interior space where we must exercise constant monitoring and a vigilance pragmatic.

Did I succeed? What is certain is that I helped to launch a dynamic innovative within the apparatus of states.

While renewing my commitment to serve my country and to keep myself available, if necessary, for any attempt to shed light on the functioning of CEP during the period of my term, I withdraw by sending my sincere thanks to my father, my husband, my son, my brother, all my family, my cabinet members, to my friends and associations of women who supported me. These thanks go also to those of my colleagues of CEP which, in certain circumstances, have supported my position, to the compatriots of Haiti and the diaspora, without knowing me personally, Have had to testify their admiration to me; Finally, to all those who were angry with me because I stayed too long in the CEP - sometimes, because of a overprotective friendship - I told them today that I have understood.

My departure of CEP will allow me to resume my professional activities of architects and get back to serve the new generations to the University."

Port-au-Prince, April 25, 2011
Ginette Cherubin, Architect

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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