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Haiti - Reconstruction : Water for 2.5 million people

Haiti - Reconstruction : Water for 2.5 million people
The National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DINEPA) has selected Suez Environnement for accompany them during three years in an emergency plan to rehabilitate the water and sanitation services in the metropolitan area of capital Port-au-Prince.

The mission of rehabilitation initiated by the authorities of Haiti will rely on experts and the complementary expertise of the principal subsidiaries French, Spanish and American Group: Lyonnaise des Eaux, Agbar and United Water.

  • Lyonnaise des Eaux, specialist of the management of water services and sanitation in France, will provide the management and coordination of the entire project.
  • AGBAR will intervene in the field of human resources and the training for sustainable management of the service and will accompany DINEPA to develop the customer service and the information systems.
  • United Water, specialist in the distribution of drinking water in North America will provide its expertise in wealth management.

Together they will bring their expertise in the areas of the quality of the production and distribution service, the monitoring of water quality, in protecting the resource, the administrative and financial management and the monitoring of the investments.

A multidisciplinary team of five experts with a considerable international experience in operational positions in similar contexts will be detached for 3 years of subsidiaries of Suez Environment. It will accompany the public operator of Haiti in the implementation of solutions to the emergency needs of the 2.5 millions of people of the area of Port-au-Prince and to the long term management of its essential services of water and sanitation. The group subsidiaries thus will allow to the DINEPA to register this reconstruction as part of a sustainable management of its water services.

On the occasion of the announcement, Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO of Suez Environment, said : « We are very proud to contribute to this reconstruction project but we have also fully aware of the social and civic responsibility of Suez Environment by engaging with strength in this challenge. The collaborators of the group will mobilize all their energy and their know-how to succeed alongside with the teams of the DINEPA to rebuild the foundations of a water and sanitation service of the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince to the expectations of the Haitian population. »

Suez Environment will intervene in the form of a contract of operational assistance. Investment financing for the project will be provided by to the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) and the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECI).

Given the context, the group renounces to any profit and will repay any bonus resulting from the achievement, performance and objectives set by the local authorities to the Endowment Fund Suez Environment Initiatives 1.

Learn more about Suez Environment:
Suez Environment is the second largest group worldwide in the fields of the water and waste management. It provides 76 million people with drinking water, 44 million in sanitation services and collects the waste for 60 million people.

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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