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Haiti - Ski : "Rasta Piquet" has missed the qualification but...

Haiti - Ski :
Thursday, February 17, at the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen in Germany, the Haitian skier Jean-Pierre Roy aka "Rasta Piquett", finished 99th and last in the qualifications for the Giant Slalom. Clocked 3 minutes 10.58 seconds (3:10:58) (1st run in 1:36:51 and 2nd run in 1:34:07) for this first race at the world championship of alpine ski. The race was won by the Bulgarian Nikola Chongarov, with a time of 2:13:70

Under the rules of the International Ski Federation (ISF), the 50 best skiers in the world in Giant Slalom are directly eligible without going through the qualifications, and the 25 best skiers of the qualifications of this morning will participate to the giant slalom on Friday.

Based on the results, another group of 25 skiers is selected from the nations that have no skiers in the group of 75. Jean-Pierre Roy has unfortunately not had sufficient time to get into the main draw, the Luxembourg was the last to be qualified with a time of 2:38:64 (88th in the ranking).

"Rasta Piquett", our national skiers, will have a second chance, Saturday, during the qualifications for the slalom to be held Sunday.

Article By BF/ HaitiLibre

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