Haitian All-Starz

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Special Message from Paul El Sadate


I appreciate all of you who has taken the time to visit paulelsadate.com. Your support toward this troupe has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for continuing with us on this poetic artistic journey. Each time you support us, you are helping the culture advance. It is a great honor for TPS to represent you, our flag, and our culture wherever we go. With the help and guidance of God, we will continue to push forward with poetry that has life learn lessons, prayers, and laughter. We thank you. God Bless.

Poetry is a movement

Poetry is a sound

Album Available Now "Kem Kap Pale "


Picture Poetry always existed in our precious country of Haiti. There were many Haitian poets such as Osval Durand and Etzer Vilaire. I am sure that people enjoyed reading their poetry, but there is a difference between reading, hearing, and watching poetry.  As a matter fact poetry, music, dance, and art are valued very highly among us.

Paul El Sadate a natural born poet found a way to revolutionize the way we recite poems. He is blessed with a special skill from God not only to write but to give his writing life. The poems lives in him so much that often times you see him in the streets reciting as he does he daily runs. 

For a while, Paul would write and recite his poetry solo. He didn’t always have a troupe but on March 10, 2000 he decided to create not a group but a troupe. His troupe would consist of young Haitian men and women who also could write and recite poetry, sing, dance, and play instruments. Once he had some dedicated people he formed his first group name Association des Jeunes pour la Propagation de la Posie  (AJPROP) in Pastor Terry’s light auditorium church basement. They held all their meeting in that basement. They worked very hard and rehearsed long hours. Each time they met, Paul encouraged each member to be confident, to be creative, and most importantly to put your all in what you do best. Together they wrote songs, performed at many events, and became popular in the different communities of Haiti. AJPROP produce their very first video Ayiti an koma in 2003, followed by sida ap met viza, kolabore,  and li le li tan.  

AJPROP name changed to TPS Troupe Paul EL Sadate on January 24, 2008. The fans pick that name. They loved it so the troop gave the fans what they wanted. 

For 12 years Troupe Paul El Sadate have pushed and fought to always represent their flag and their culture. In July of 2007 Paul was a contestant at the world championship of the performing arts (WCOPA) in Hollywood California. This competition is held every year in Hollywood and groups of talented people from all over the world comes to compete, to represent talent and country, and to bring the gold medals home with them. Paul won two gold medals for acting and poetry that year. Not only did he participate but other people from the troop went and came home with gold.

Troupe Paul El Sadate has never forgotten how their roots began to spring. Although they were called to perform in various programs, they always gave and still are giving honor to God for blessing them with success. And to this day they stand on that solid rock.  They have persevered, fought, at all times to represent God, Art, and love. Many times TPS walked to most of their performances in Haiti. The walk could be as long as 45 minutes. They carried with them their supplies they would need for that night. After the performance, they wouldn’t even get paid, yet they smiled for they had put smiles on other people faces. They rehearsed on empty stomachs and trailed during the hot sun and rain days. Now that’s dedication.

Today, Troupe Paul El Sadate has continued the poetic movement in the United of America. They’ve released two videos Ayiti se rozo to give respect to our families and friends in Haiti who lives were devastated by the earthquake that took place on Januray 12, 2010. The most recent video released in the winter of 2011 Lavi atis was to celebrate and honor all Haitian artist. It does not stop there; they also have three cd’s Welcome to Haiti, 6 Kreyol, and Sim Te M-ta. Once they entered in the United States, many of the group had to go their separate ways but recently TPS old members are being reunited with their poetic family. Old members are returning and new members are being recruited all to continue promoting the culture.

T.P.S believes in discipline, respect, and honor. These are the ingredient that holds the group together.

By the grace of God, Troupe Paul El Sadate was able to celebrate their 12th anniversary on March 12, 2012.

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