Haitian All-Starz

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Haitian Art Exhibit Sponsored by the Albert Schweitzer Institute

Haitian Art Exhibit
Joyous Art; Symbol of the Resilience and Strength of the Haitian People.
Hopital Albert Schweitzer in rural Deschapelles, Haiti, is very grateful to the Albert Schweitzer Institute and Quinnipiac University for hosting this Haitian Art Exhibit and bringing awareness of the work of this hospital to the school, its staff and the neighbors.
These Haitian paintings were all painted by artists who live in the area surrounding HOpital Albert Schweitzer. In general, the paintings are done in the "naïf" style, depicting rural life in Haiti.
Elinord DuBreill is a prolific painter. He also sells paintings for other artists. His dream is to finish his building on the main road close to HOpital Albert Schweitzer so he can provide a locale for artists to sell their art. At this point, he carries his collection of paintings rolled up, in a soft guitar case. He is the recipient of a small business loan which is helping him to complete the roof of his building which will
serve as a gallery.

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