Haitian All-Starz

The Best Representation of Haitian Entertainment, Culture, & LifeStyle

McClifford Usher Genois
  • Male
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • United States
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McClifford Usher Genois's Friends

  • Ebony James
  • Maggy Gousse
  • AhMazing Bella
  • DJ Goof
  • Ludgie Supplice
  • Takiyah Diamond
  • Jay "DJayCee" Ciceron
  • Haitian All-Starz

McClifford Usher Genois's Page

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CEO/Music Producer/Manager
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McClifford Genois aka Usher was born April 25, astrological signs Taurus. After graduating from high school, he moved to the US and enrolled in the US ARMY. Goal Oriented, smart, fun, girls call him “Ladies man”. He enrolled at Queens Community College intent on a career in Computer Information System. Music has always been his passion, at the age of 22; he joined a street team to promote clubs, parties and lounges. Pursuing music, few years later he started his own promotion team “Uniq Arts Promotion”. In 2003, he got an offer with an indie label, and joined Hand Crafted Record. Other than music, Genois have a passion for travelling and acting. During that time, he ventured into movies, co starred “Le Triomphe est possible film by Huguens Louis Pierre and Simson Euvrard. Actor, promoter music producer and also beat maker. However, in 2009 he decided to move on with music and started his label World Revelation Records, and signed his first reggae band World Revelation.
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At 6:22pm on August 9, 2011, Haitian All-Starz said…
We hope you are enjoying the site.  With your help we will be the best Haitian Community social network on the internet. Feel free to browse around, introduce yourself in the forums and comment on stuff. So bookmark this site to your favorites and tell all your friends.  We are really excited to get this up and running, it will be awesome.
At 10:23am on February 7, 2011, Jay "DJayCee" Ciceron said…
At 3:45pm on November 18, 2010, Haitian All-Starz said…
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

At 2:20pm on November 18, 2010, Haitian All-Starz said…
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

At 11:12pm on November 6, 2010, Jay "DJayCee" Ciceron said…
What's up? i Didn't forget about you just been a little busy getting the kompa mixtape finish...
At 12:11pm on November 6, 2010, AhMazing Bella said…
Oh Gosh Cliff ou tout kotelol
At 8:42am on November 5, 2010, Haitian All-Starz said…
Welcome to Haitian All-Starz Coalition

Our main objective are promoting entrepreneurs, fostering unity, promoting networking, and improving the image of Haiti

Haitian All-Starz goal is to expose Haitian culture by projecting a more positive and truthful image than is normally seen in the general media. We feel strongly that, Haiti is a very beautiful country with powerful potential. The Haitian culture and history is one of a kind, and it is up to us to tell our story in a way that will uplift our nation, not diminish it.

The Haitian All-Starz Coalition is a collective unity of Haitians from all over the world coming together to represent Haiti and to bring us together as a cohesive nation.

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