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Haiti - Aristide : Sit-In in front the American Embassy

Haiti - Aristide : Sit-In in front the American Embassy
The Permanent Mobilization Commission (CMP) of Fanmi Lavalas, announces a sit-in, in front of the offices of the U.S. Embassy, in Tabarre, tomorrow Wednesday, in order to require from the U.S. authorities an involvement in the return in Haiti of former President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

Ansyto Felix, spokesman of the CMP said that it was normal that the United States, be involved in the return of President Aristide, since they were primarily responsible for "the removal of the Head of State" in February 2004 with the complicity of other countries including France and Canada. The spokesman denounced the maneuvers that would, according to him, orchestrated by the United States and its allies to prevent the return of the former President in his country.

According The Times, a newspaper of South Africa, "negotiations and talks" between the Government of Pretoria and the United States, Cuba and Haiti would continue about a possible return of former President.

The partisans of President Aristide, recall that the Haitian constitution does not recognize exile. Stressing that Jean-Claude Duvalier, the former dictator who was, according to the organizations of human rights at the head of a dictatorial regime, was able peaceably to return in his country on January 16...

Article by S/ HaitiLibre

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