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Haiti - Education : Training of the future managers of digital spaces

Haiti - Education : Training of the future managers of digital spaces
Under the deployment of the Plan of Digital Distance Education in Haiti (PENDHA), the Superior School of Infotronique of Haiti (ESIH) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) with the assistance of the International Atomic research institutions for development (IADR), the Embassy of France and the Fondation de France are organizing a training workshop in "System management & networking under Linux."

The project PANDHA based on two major axes:

  • Deploy a network of digital infrastructure of proximity in the Haitian universities (12 digital spaces polyvalent of quality, to deploy in 24 months)
  • Train and support the Haitian teachers and students, to the utilization and the production of digital distance learning.

Designed for the future managers of digital spaces of proximity of the 12 member universities of the AUF in Haiti, this training is held to the ESIH since February 21 and ends tomorrow.

The objective of this training workshop is to prepare technicians identified by beneficiary universities of the project PENDHA, to the exam LPIC 101 (International certification for LINUX) but also train them to technical management of digital spaces polyvalent established as part of this project.

This 5-day training, is sanctioned by a visa on the passport "TIC for the development" [Document used to visualize the experience delivered by the member institutions of the AUF within the framework of continuing education] and a certificate of stage co-validated by the AUF and ESIH.

At the closing ceremony, Friday, Feb. 25, at which were invited several personalities of the haitian academia and the diplomatic corps and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, will be presented the award for best work of synthesis monomial or binomial the most efficient.

Article by S/ HaitiLibre

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