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Haiti - Education : Which university tomorrow for Haiti ?

Haiti - Education : Which university tomorrow for Haiti ?
In the context of reflections and the work for the structuring of higher education and research in Haiti, the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) has organized this week in Port-au-Prince a roundtable entitled "Comparative systems of higher education and research around the world: Which university tomorrow for Haiti ?"

Hosted by the Episcopal University of Haiti (UNEPH), one of 12 member universities of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) in Haiti, this meeting had as objective "to allow managers of institutions of higher education and research in Haiti, to the public authorities and their partners to know and compare different models of teaching systems and of research to engage in a reflection adapted to the Haitian context."

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Lucien Jean Bernard, Rector of the UNEPH has thanked the AUF to having choosen the university to host this event "The choice of Haiti in general and of the UNEPH in particular to host this round table reflects the importance that the AUF grants to the promotion and development of higher education in Haiti, in accordance with the requirements of the new world order.

For Mrs. Florence Pierre-Louis, Director of Higher Education, this meeting will take stock on what is being done in Haiti and what is done elsewhere in the world. "This roundtable will join our efforts to build the road of the rebirth of a modern university in Haiti."

As for Mr. Abderrahmane Lellou, Vice-President, to the scientific policy of the AUF, moderator of the roundtable, after thanking the participants for their attendance and recalled the objectives of the roundtable, he introduced the four speakers who accompany it : Mrs. Hélène David, Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Acting Rector of the University of Montreal (Canada), Mr. Pierre-Yves Boissau Vice-Chairman of the Board of the University of Toulouse 2 - le Mirail (France), Mr. Abdou Salam Sall, Rector Emeritus of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (Senegal) and Mr. Jean-Louis Vanherweghem, Honorary President of Libre of Brussels (Belgium). Each speaker has presented the specifics of the system of higher education and research in its country :organization, financing and governance.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Abderrahmane Lellou, has invited the Haitian universities to work together, in the collegiality. "Work together for tending towards quality and excellence. The AUF, always attentive to its members, will accompany you in this direction." In conclusion, he called for the establishment of a body of evaluation of higher education, and of a national conference of rectors of universities in Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre / AUF

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