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Haiti - Security : Speech of President Martelly to the the 22nd promotion of the police

Haiti - Security : Speech of President Martelly to the the 22nd promotion of the police

The 22nd promotion of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) has graduated yesterday Friday, to the Direction des Ecoles et de la Formation Permanente (DEFP), 877 new officers, after more than eight months of training. Modules such as managing the crime scene, police ethics and the fight against corruption, the concepts of gender and violence against women have been taught to these officers of the order in addition to police science.

"Be a police officer, is another form of life made of sacrifices, of self-denial, a mixture of values ​​like honor, morality, loyalty and a vocation of service", said the Inspector General Maximé. In his speech for the occasion, he invited the new members of the PNH to show "consciousness, competence and seriousness" in the performance of their duties so as to contribute to "remake the image of the country", stating that "the temptations are enormous and the forces of corruption are major", blood crimes, embezzlement are common. A country where the lives of police officers are often "precarious" and where the "generally accepted ratio of one police officer per 400 inhabitants" is far from being fulfilled.

Highlights of the speech of President Martelly to the the 22nd promotion

"From today you are part of this elite which is responsible for protecting women, men, children, the state officials and goods of this country. The country, by giving you today that responsibility, has confidence in you, honor it by continuing with rigor, the work of professionalization of the Haitian National Police [...]

You have the full support of my Government to do your job in law enforcement. My Government will not accept judicial corruption, which often has undermined the work of the police. It is no longer question to release of gang leaders, kidnappers and drug dealers took in flagrante delicto, it's over the political protection for criminals.

I invite to a better organization of police substation and police stations, I insist to the maintenance of physical fitness, of the dress code of police officers, of the strict respect of the hierarchy. I exhorts you to strengthen the systems and procedures in place at the level of the staff headquarters (Etat Major), the police substation and police stations. My Government will do its best within the resources available, to give you the means to do your job. I will not tolerate, abuse of any nature from the police. Make proof of moderation but of firmness, an iron fist in a velvet glove. The law must always be your only compass. Never forget that you are a police officer only to protect and serve.

Monitors, let me thank you on behalf of the Nation, for a job well done. The country has a debt of gratitude to you, is with the participation of all and with the competence of each, that we will build the new Haiti. Nobody, I repeat nobody, can help us in this direction, it is to us, only to us as Haitian to do it.

[...] I know you've worked hard to achieve this graduation [...] but there are reasons for this, is to allow you, after having to take the oath on the Constitution to work even better. Remember that your job is to serve and protect the population, [...]

As Commander in Chief, I will work with the Government to get you what you need, so that you can do your job even better. Let me be clear with you this morning, the big responsibility that you take as a police officer, to protect and serve the the population, the President is behind you at 100%, I take this opportunity to tell you also that the President will not tolerate the police officers who are in the disorder [...]

I feel that your parents and families who are here today are very happy, I feel that there are a lot of pride in them, when thay looking at their child wearing the uniform of the police, who just received their diplomas, I am also proud, in the same way as your parents, when I look at you. I invite you in the service that you will give the country to enforce the trust that your parents put in you, to respect the confidence that the Haitian people, the justice, the Director-General, the staff headquarters (Etat Major), your superiors and myself as President, we have put in you. I wish you good luck in the new responsibilities that you received today.

Finally, I must thank the Minustah and the friends of the cooperation who assist the National Police. My Government will work with you for a better performance of our cooperation within the framework of the institutional strengthening [...] it is the only way to reduce the dependence on Haiti. In the weeks and months ahead we will work together for restructure international aid to my country and ensure its receipt by the institutions and the Haitian people. The country thank you for this assistance which made possible the graduation of today.

Police officers in service, 22nd promotion of the PNH, the Haitian people appreciate your efforts, we thank your families who consent tremendous sacrifices every day, you have our support and you are in our prayers every day.

May God bless you and may God bless Haiti."

L/ HaitiLibre

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