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Haiti - Elections : Digicel is implementing its information service for elections

Haiti - Elections : Digicel is implementing its information service for elections
In order to facilitate the smooth running of the Haitian electoral process, the company Digicel makes freely available to the population, a messaging service (SMS) from which the citizens can obtain informations relating to the second round of the presidential and legislative elections.

With this service, the citizens can send a SMS for free from their mobile Digicel to the short number 200, with their CIN number to obtain the address of their polling station.

This initiative is not the first of its kind undertaken by Digicel. The company has supported the electoral process in the first round of the elections significantly through the following actions:

  • Digicel has made available to CEP twenty telephone lines to respond to calls of the citizens seeking information about the address of the various polling stations.

  • Over 250 customer service agents of Digicel and over 20 volunteers from the Civil Society have been especially dedicated to respond to citizens seeking information. Thanks to the initiative of Digicel to make available of the Haitian people a short number "2811" from which the people could call free of charge to give their national identification card number and obtain the address of their polling station, more than 250,000 calls were received and processed in only 3 days.

All arrangements are made at the level of Digicel so that the service will be once again a success and gives an opportunity to millions of Haitians to fulfill their civic duty in peace and serenity.

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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