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Haiti - Elections : Michel Martelly poses his conditions...

Haiti - Elections : Michel Martelly poses his conditions...
The candidate for the Presidency in the second round, Michel Joseph Martelly demands that a number of immediate steps be taken by the Government to give credibility to the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) and reassure the voters and all those involved in the second round of elections:

  • Appoint a new Director General
  • Change the CEP president and some counselor
  • Ratify the choice of the representative of the Catholic Church
  • Replace the members of the Polling stations (BV) and supervisors of the voting centers where massive fraud have been documented (minutes canceled). These members will be replaced by a transparent recruitment which must be approved by the candidate.
  • Sanctions should be taken against candidates who have used firearms on election day
  • A special attention should be given to the forty (40) communes where the elections have gone wrong in point of view of safety and organizational
  • Redo the electoral lists for correct the addressing errors found in the first round as well that the relocation of voters
  • Ensure that holders of cards issued in the last weeks before and after the first round could vote
  • Publish list of the BV at least eight (8) days before the election
  • Ensure that cards of the agents, are distributed under the strict control of the parties involved in the electoral race
  • Providing access to the representatives of the candidates to the tabulation centers

In addition, the candidate added that it would necessary that :

  • The changes required at the level of the CEP are effective as soon as possible
  • Protective measures be taken immediately, including reducing the number of the ministers after the February 7 and the replacement of some ministers in particular the Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Social Affairs and the Minister of Interior and Local Authorities by personalities least questionable.
  • The Executive is committed to respecting the independence of the CEP and in no way intervenes in the elections during the second round.

According to the constitution, the February 7 marks the end of the presidential term, said the candidate. However, the particular circumstances created by the earthquake of January 12, 2010 and the incapacity of the CEP to respect the timetable established by the electoral process, makes an extension of the presidential term to ensure a democratic transition in peace and tranquility. Joseph Martelly agrees to continue the electoral process to the condition that the measures recommended are taken into account immediately.

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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Comment by Kino Mondesir on February 12, 2011 at 4:18pm
These are alot of conditions. Will he be open to compromise?

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