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Haiti - Reconstruction : A vocational school of the reconstruction

Haiti - Reconstruction : A vocational school of the reconstruction
A few days after the earthquake of January 2010, the Construction Association of Quebec (Association de la Construction du Québec ACQ) has sought a development project to help the people of Haiti. "Over the past year we have brought together many partners of the construction industry and we are very pleased to officially launch the "Projet Haïti" [...] I am announcing that we will rebuild and expand the school Lakay, an institution that teaches the professions of the construction", has declared Jean Pouliot, president of the ACQ.

To avoid administrative delays, and to reassure donors, the ACQ has chosen to work directly with the Congregation of the Salesian Fathers, who manages the school Lakay. "Orphans and street children are collected and they can take courses in cabinetmaking, carpentry, plumbing, masonry and welding. We could not have picked a better cause than this because all these young people will have a job after being trained in school Lakay", wished to clarify Mr. Pouliot.

Note that several agencies participating in Projet Haïti including the Canadian Association of Construction and Builders Without Borders. In parallel to this project of reconstruction and expansion, the Training Fund's construction industry (Fonds de formation de l'industrie de la construction FFIC) will lead a team to train future teachers.

To date, nearly half of the funds were collected. Even if the interest seems to fade a bit in the public opinion, the ACQ will continue its fundraising campaign relentless. Moreover, next month, at its annual general meeting, the direction of the Canadian Construction Association (Association canadienne de la construction ACC) will solicit its members. The total project cost is estimated at $500,000.

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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