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Haiti - Elections : Michel Martelly in Les Cayes

Haiti - Elections : Michel Martelly in Les Cayes
Sunday, March 6, the candidate Michel Martelly was in Les Cayes, in front a crowd of several thousand supporters and sympathizers. After a few developed, designed to "warm up" his audience, the candidate Martelly spoke among others of the importance of the vocational education, of the possible solutions to finance some major projects for Haiti and the cost of living.

There are still 11 days for those who do disorder... after that, we will enter in a country right, in a country where everyone has the same power, which everyone must obey the law in the same way.

Today I am here because I can tell you, here, is the base of my campaign, we took the decision that it is here that we will finish the campaign. [...] You can believe in me, I am not a liar, I am not innocent, that one who is innocent casts me the first stone [...] I have an advantage over other... everyone knows what I've already done!

Addressing to the crowd in a game of questions and answers, the candidate Martelly launched:

"Is what I already said some stupid things ? YES [the crowd] Is what I already down my pants ? YES [the crowd] that means you know everything, what I did. Have I stolen money from the State ? NO [the crowd] Do you think that I am a person that will keep the country as it is now ? NO [the crowd].

I must tell you, that I'll make the second round the same way I did the first round, there will be no empty words it's the same thing: free education, the agriculture,
structure the fishing, the fishing is a big industry which must be structured, create social housing [...] But before we talk about work, even if the work is important, we must not forget the education because if you have a job, but you have no profession, you will be poorly paid and the country will remain poor .

here [in le Cayes] we need to build wharves [...] they say [his opponents] that there is no money [...] where I find the money?"
Borrowing a tract that has contributed to the success of the Dominican Republic, the candidate Martelly explained "There is one thing in the world called BOT the "Bill of Operation & Transfer", these are foreign investors who have capital, you tell them you need an airport here, a modern airport, they come they do an airport, but before, you must negotiate with them, after they built the airport, they managed for some time, so they recover their money, make money, and after the airport will go in the hands the State.

I will not make my interesting and let people walk, I need to create work, I need to give people the means to travel, I need to develop the area and this is the kind of company that can make wharves, that I want to use, the Haitian government has not enough money for that.

Our sustainable development, must pass through agriculture, we must produce, we must increase the domestic production. The only way to fight against high prices is by having excess of production. For example if the rice is too expensive, the only way that the rice price decline is to produce lots of rice. If there is too much rice on the market, its price will fall. We must work, the agricultural recovery is important.

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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