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Haiti - Society : 100th International Women's Day

Haiti - Society : 100th International Women's Day
Michaëlle Jean the UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti believes that the 100th International Women's Day provides an opportunity for women to reflect on the continued work needed to achieve universal equality. "International Women's Day 2011 allows Canadians to remember that the road to gender equality is still fraught with many obstacles [...] We must keep alight the flame of hope and progress that women around the world have ignited. We are forever indebted to these women who have fought and provided us with leadership towards equality."

Mme. Jean who continuing to promote women's equality and empowerment by women recalls to Canada and Haiti that "My tenure as the 27th Governor General and Commander in Chief of Canada and my current responsibilities as UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti have allowed me to stand with Canadian women, Aboriginal women and women of every origin, and now with Haitian women in the battle they are still waging to have their rights recognized"

"Last year, I was in Haiti on International Women's Day. My Haitian sisters taught me that strength can be derived from the most trying of times. They found solace among themselves and triumphed by taking on leadership roles in the face of catastrophe and privation. On this International Women's Day I would like to honour Haitian women and their extensive efforts in recovering from disaster and reconstructing their futures."

The candidate Mirlande Manigat on her Twitter account wrote "I wish an excellent International Women's Day firstly to the Haitian women then to women around the world". Ms. Manigat will be this morning at 9:00 am at the General Hospital to distribute food kits, then she will visit the Maternity Isaie Jeanty "Chancerelle" to visit the women-mothers and distribute maternal kits.

On his Facebook page, the candidate Michel Martelly said "Today is the day of women. Happy International Women's Day, simply to all Haitian women. The women must play an important role in the reconstruction of Haiti. We respect them, we admire them for their courage and determination."

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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