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Haiti - Elections : Mirlande Manigat leaves Haiti

Haiti - Elections : Mirlande Manigat leaves Haiti
Last weekend the presidential candidate Mirlande Manigat was on tour in the Northeast where she was greeted warmly by thousands of people.

Tuesday, March 1, Mirlande Manigat was the guest of a group of Protestant pastors in Palais de l'Art (Delmas 33). At 12:30pm in the Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Économiques (FDSE), students of the faculty gave it their support. At 3:30pm Mirlande Manigat visited Martissant, a poor neighborhood of the capital who saw the candidate grow, for a big rally unifier. Before a large crowd, the candidate has addressed issues such as economy, public safety, education before answering the questions of the crowd and allow some participants to express their frustrations on the government.

Wednesday Mirlande Manigat was on tour in the town of Carrefour, where thousands of people have welcomed it enthusiastically while chanting what has almost become the slogan of its campaign "Ban-m manman-m". In a festive atmosphere enlivened by Rara bands the RDNP candidate has focused her speech on her credibility, her character and her skills. "you said an-m manman-m ! The role of a mother is to give food to her children, sending them to school, give them work, security" promising to keep her promises.

This afternoon [Thursday, March 3] Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat will leave Haiti and should give a press conference at the Miami International Airport, and then will travel to Montreal

Friday at 10:30 am, she will give a conference at the restaurant Cavalli where she will present her electoral platform and the major challenges of Haiti, followed by a question period. From 6pm to 8pm [on invitation] Mirlande Manigat will speak at a cocktail dinner hosted by her party "Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes (RDNP)", she should discuss of the platform and meet the guests present.

aturday, March 5, the candidate will be from 6pm to 8pm to "La Perle Retrouvée", to attend a encounter with the Haitian community. At this event, the candidate will discuss the issues and the current situation in Haiti. A question period is also planned.

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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