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Haiti - Elections : Remarks of the candidate Michel Martelly

Haiti - Elections : Remarks of the candidate Michel Martelly
The presidential candidate Michel Martelly believes that Haiti should removed from the political life, the "hatred" and the "culture of struggle between the different sectors" to promote rather "the interest of the Haitians" to meet the challenges ahead. "It is imperative that we accept our differences. We may have different ideas, a different ideology, but we have to live together [...] more we stand together, more we are united, the better we can address the various challenges ahead", declared the presidential candidate in an interview with EFE in Santo Domingo.

If he wins the presidency, Michel Martelly, among his priorities, plans to provide housing for thousands of people living under tents since the earthquake of January 2010 "We have land, we have NGOs who are ready to help us to this task, we have funds available and the willingness to relocate these people". Stressing the need to implement social housing plans which he estimated to cost to $200 million to resettle the 850,000 people still living in camps, while criticizing the lack of a national plan to solve this problem. The other major challenge of the candidate is to fight against the cholera epidemic that made more than 4,500 deaths in the country, stating that in Haiti "everything is a priority, we must increase the level of education, security, access to health care to the population "

Martelly will compete next March 20 with the candidate Mirlande Manigat, which he says "has an alliance with the current president, René Préval" recalling in this regard that Sen. Jean Hector Anacacis had publicly acknowledged the existence of such an alliance between the Préval and Manigat. "I know for sure that the leaders of the party in power INITE, prefer to partner with Mrs. Manigat rather than with Michel Martelly But that does not bother us, precisely because we want to get away from this continuity, this system has not provided the expected results and that is why we are today in this misery"

For Martelly, the candidate Manigat is ready to accept the presidency at any price because she knows that "either she wins the election this time or she will never win" adding that her opponent has a police protection and financial support, which he does not enjoy.

Martelly denied any alliance between him and the ruling party (INITE), but he said that he was ready to work with people of all allegiances if they have proven their ability and honesty and they are willing to serve the public. "We have no formal alliance, the only allegiance that we have is with the Haitian people"

Regarding the outcome of the second round, Michel Martelly said he is ahead of her opponent acording to some polls and he defines himself as "someone outside the system" which has always worked for the country with honesty, while his political opponent is the candidate of the "continuity". The Haitian people "want the change" they consider as "the realization of their dreams", Martelly says, who defined himself as the candidate of the change.

Asked about the possible participation of the singer Wyclef Jean in a new Government, the candidate Martelly has stressed the qualities of his colleague and his work in favor of Haiti, but he said he did not believe that the goal of Wyclef was to participate in the government. "The only important thing is to get from the next President, that it changes our country and gets results"

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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