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Haiti - Health : Brazil and Cuba want to do more for Haiti

Haiti - Health : Brazil and Cuba want to do more for Haiti
At a meeting, held on January 2, between Brazil and Cuba, at the National Palace (Palácio do Planalto) in Brasilia, Haiti has been at the agenda between the new President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and the first Vice-President Cuban José Ramón Machado.

During this meeting, both countries agreed to increase aid to Haiti, which is fighting against a terrible epidemic of cholera. The Brazil in last April has already committed to fund a 80 million under a trilateral agreement between Brazil-Cuba-Haiti. This program includes the renovation and reconstruction of hospitals, health clinics and other centers of basic health care, the establishment of a National Centre for Epidemiology, provision of ambulances, vaccination and awareness campaigns. Remember that Cuba is also at the head of a program of 690 million dollars to rebuild the health system in Haiti.

At a bilateral meeting scheduled in the coming weeks, which will be led by Antônio Patriota, the new Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, responsible for coordinating efforts, the Brazil and Cuba "will seek other means under existing agreements, to provide more effective assistance and more complete in the field of the health in Haiti" according to the comments of President Dilma Rousseff.

Article By S/ HaitiLibre

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