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Haiti - Jacmel : Divergent opinions on the holding of the Carnival in 2011

Haiti - Jacmel : Divergent opinions on the holding of the Carnival in 2011
The second Sunday of January is always devoted to the official launch of the pre-carnival in Jacmel and gras days. This cultural event for many years brings together people from all social classes, from all backgrounds, rich, poor, white, mulatto.... Jacmel, "the City of Light, "touristic city", is internationally renowned for its Carnival. According to information circulating, Jacmel, the city of Les Cayes and the Cap would be the three major cities chosen to organize the carnival in Haiti this year.

Recall that in 2010 there was no Carnival because of the earthquake on January 12 which has hit the city of Jacmel and its people. The historic buildings, which have made the scenic beauty of Jacmel, was seriously damaged by the earthquake, and many artists and craftsmen, who are the motor of the carnival Jacmelienne were victims of the disaster.

The holding of the Carnival this year, provoked many reactions among the population whose opinions are divided on the holding or not, of this cultural activity. Questioned by Haitilibre, many residents believe that the situation in which the country is going, is not favorable to the feast, recalling that one year after the earthquake, the living conditions of people living in tents remain unchanged, criticizing the inaction of the authorities. Some Jacmelienne believes that the funds that will be spent would be better used for people affected by cholera and the victims of the earthquake. Others recall that during the carnival period, people drink heavily and that the excesses are often the cause of violence, in addition, they mention that the carnival could promote the spread of the epidemic of cholera in a department already seriously affected by the disease.

But these opinions are not shared by all, many people still believe that the Carnival would be a good time of romping, that could help people to combat the post-traumatic stress caused by the earthquake, and forget during this period, the deplorable political situation in which the country is plunged...

See also:

Article By HL / HaitiLibre / CB

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