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Haiti - Jamaica : Haiti rejects any idea of diplomatic conflict

Haiti - Jamaica : Haiti rejects any idea of diplomatic conflict
Max Alcé, the Charge d'Affairs of Haiti in Jamaica, that had been recalled in Haiti for consultations after the expulsion by the Jamaican authorities of the national football team under 17 years (U-17) who participated in the final phase of the playoffs for the football World Cup, is arrived Friday, in order to report the facts to Marie Michèle Rey, the Minister of the Foreign Affairs (MAE).

The Charge d'Affaires has explained, to the Minister, having received explanations of the Head of Public Health and the Foreign Minister of Jamaica on the isolation measure taken against the national team after the discovery of cases of malaria among the players. According to information provided, four years ago, an epidemic of malaria had struck Jamaica and the isolation of patients and their relatives, is part of the health protocol in cases of malaria. This measure is still effective and is applied without discrimination, even against the Jamaican citizens. However beyond these explanations, the Charge d'Affairs condemns and deplores the lack of respect and hospitality whose the delegation of Haiti has suffered.

The Foreign Minister, asserts have expressed her indignation to his counterpart Jamaican Kenneth Baugh who called it on the phone Thursday. "He called me to express his regrets and explain to me the procedures in effective in his country". She also deplores the lack of communication, which has prevented his department to be informed of the displacement of this sports delegation, the intervention of the MFA has been complicated because of this lack.

"This is an unfortunate incident, which cannot call into question the Haiti's relations with Jamaica" has declared, Marie Michèle Rey, rejecting any idea of possible diplomatic conflict with Jamaica, with which Haiti has "excellent relations" adding that no request for a formal apology will be made. "Jamaican authorities may however decide to do" adding that the Caricom had been formally informed of this incident.

Article by BF/ HaitiLibre

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