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Haiti - Politic : Hillary Clinton had lunch with Michel Martelly

Haiti - Politic : Hillary Clinton had lunch with Michel Martelly
Sign of the importance of relationship with the United States, the new President of Haiti, Michel Martelly left his country on Tuesday for a three-day visit to Washington DC, before the proclamation of the final results which credits it with 67.57% of the votes [preliminary results of the second round, uncontested].

The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, chief of U.S. diplomacy, has received the new President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, for a lunch at the State Department. She congratulated him formally, on behalf of the Obama administration. "I feel very encouraged by the campaign led by Mr. Martelly," she confided just after during a joint press briefing, while mentioning the insistence of Mr Martelly on the people and their needs, his will to be clear about what he hoped to succeed on behalf of Haitians. "We're behind him, we're excited" she added "The people of Haiti has a long road ahead of it, but the United States will be with you throughout the road" promised Hillary Clinton on Wednesday to the new President of Haiti.

For his part, Michel Martelly, which should be officially named Wednesday as the new President of Haiti, declared "My new vision for my country is to engage all relevant and necessary reforms" estimating at the end of this meeting "that the reconstruction of Haiti is distressingly slow..."

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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