Michel Martelly is visiting Washington for a three-day visit with a busy schedule. Here in detail, his first day of work.
"...we began to establish contacts with partners of Haiti, we are left with a delegation representing the team that will work with the Presidency Martelly [...] we have made meetings with different institutions, institutions that in the past, have always assisted the country, have supervised us and sometimes have been disappointed by the lack of results [...] Today, the reason that makes me say that this is a great day, is that we started to sell and build a confidence, another image of Haiti... Before the necessity to find money to do the work that needs to be done in Haiti, we have put in front of these people the need ; to change the way, of what we are doing with their money, to achieve a sustainable development, so that the assistantship in which we live and we are dependent, in the long term ends [...] that we make serious investments with the money from these institutions [...] so, that development and economic growth can be done to achieve sustainable development, so that one day we might become less dependent financially.
In this sense we have met the President of the World Bank, Mr. Zoellick, we talked for about 45 minutes. In my team there was my chief of staff Mr. Thierry Mayard Paul,
my Adviser in the Legal Affairs Gregory Mayard-Paul, we also had a contractor who is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce Daniel-Gérard Rouzier who manages Sun Auto, an economic affairs adviser Wilson Laleau who attended the meeting.

President Michel Martelly with
Bob Zoellick, World Bank President
... I can say that the meeting went well and we have guaranteed and we got the guaranteed too, that relations between Haiti and the World Bank will continue in the same direction. We asked them to help me ensure that we achieve concrete results [...] I also talked about the promises that I made as a candidate: free education, agricultural recovery (agricultural credit bank, revival of agriculture...) and as the third point, we talked about remove people from under tents [...] we have not forgotten to mention that everything is an emergency in Haiti, we have problems with drinking water, health, security, rule of law, state authority, corruption, transparency ... All these points were discussed in the meeting with the President of the World Bank.
Then I spent ten minutes face to face with the President of the World Bank, we entered more in detail on some points. These are commitments we took to the other. I also spent 10 minutes with a representative of the World Food Program We discussed the problems of the food crisis which may hit Haiti, as well as the rising prices of food products [...] we discussed some assistance that it could give us, in the case where Haiti would be hit by a crisis of this type.
We then visited the office of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), we met Mr. Dominique Strauss Kahn and I can say that the meeting went well. We approached this meeting in the same direction as the first, except that we have more talked about of programs that project, since the IMF has assistance programs [...] we have allowed our "technicians" Mr Wilson Laleau et Mr Daniel Rosier to speak. Again, we took some commitments to each other [...] then they invited us to the American Chamber of Commerce where there were businessmen, entrepreneurs who were waiting for us.
From the beginning, I had to speak to the Chamber of Commerce. In summary, the purpose of my speech was to give investors confidence. I said that I promised work to the public and that this work can only come from abroad and diaspora investments. We have promised them security, infrastructure they need, tax benefits, guarantees on private property [...] They told me of their intentions and their willingness to bring their expertise, services, businesses in Haiti [...] there were representatives of the Chamber of Commerce Haitian-American (AMCHAM) present [...] Ultimately, we talked, face to face, with different actors, people who have already made presentations of project in Haiti and who expect affirmative answers, who have the hope that they can bring what they know to Haiti and again, I promised them that we will study how they could help Haiti. On the other hand, we will put up a team which will have as aim to detail all that there is to do [...] the interest remains, he interest of the Haitian people.
Tomorrow morning [Wednesday], we will meet the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We will discuss ways to improve relations with Haiti, especially in the field of development and reconstruction. One of the questions I will discuss with the Secretary of State is the Haitian diaspora and the "Temporary Protected Status TPS" [...] allowing Haitians, who made the trip after the earthquake to work [in the United States]. We're going to put body and soul to defend Haitians who are here, abroad, who benefit from this status, we want to put the diaspora in confidence [...] I will also discuss of an important issue: the massive repatriation of Haitian ex-prisoners.
Tomorrow [Wednesday, April 20] is the day where should be proclaimed the results of the elections and the victory of Michel Martelly as next President of the Republic, then I tell you, once the results have been given, the reaction that you must have, if you want to celebrate, is to start taking your tools to clean the country, to start work, that's how I see victory [...] make structure, neighborhood committees, regional committees... [...] because I'll come see you, it is for you to tell me what you want, how you want to advance [...] as President, I am your servant" HL/ HaitiLibre / Interviewed on the show "Tribunal du soir" / Signal FM with Dr Harrison Ernest
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