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Haiti - Politic : Michel Martelly in Washington

Haiti - Politic : Michel Martelly in Washington
Michel Martelly completed his first work day this Tuesday in Washington, where he met with President of the World Bank, Mr Bob Zoellick, and that of the International Monetary Fund, Mr. Dominique Strauss Kahn.

The president Michel Martelly, who's mission is to promote a new Haiti, has, among other things, requested to the leaders of these financial institutions, a full report on their current programs and projects. The president-elect wants, by this approach, ensure that the priorities of these financial institutions are also those of Haiti and that such programs can effectively contribute to sustainable development of the country.

Michel Martelly met with members and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States to encourage them to invest again in Haiti. His message was clear and direct: "Haiti is now open for investment" and we'll create the conditions necessary for such investments in restoring security, facilitating the creation of companies and jobs, giving tax benefits to future investors.

By this visit, the President intends to convince members of the international community that Haiti is emerging, and invites them to embrace and support his vision for this new and proud Haiti. The main points of his administration are focused on education, agriculture, job creation, safety and health for all.

The president Joseph Michel Martelly will meet, on Wednesday, with the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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HL/ HaitiLibre

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