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Haiti - Politic : Strong reactions of Michaelle Jean about the return of Duvalier

Haiti - Politic : Strong reactions of Michaelle Jean about the return of Duvalier
As soon as the news of the the return of Jean-Claude Duvalier was known, Michaëlle Jean, UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti, strongly reacts "Twenty-five years of comfortable exile in impunity be enough to make Haitians forget the horrors, the suffering, the injustice as well as the human and economic cost of decades of Duvalierist dictatorship ? Did he not accountable ? How can he return to Haiti without being worried, as a citizen unclean ?", she asked.

A reaction shared by the organizations of human rights that have demanded that the return of Duvalier "should have only one goal, that he finds himself face justice, " said the director of the Human Rights Watch. For his part Javier Zuñiga, special advisor of Amnesty International said that "the widespread and systematic human rights violations committed in Haiti during Duvalier’s rule amount to crimes against humanity. Haiti is under the obligation to prosecute him and anyone else responsible for such crimes".

Article By HL/ HaitiLibre

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