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Haiti - Jacmel : Authorities in the Southeast, criticized the NGOs and the State

Haiti - Jacmel : Authorities in the Southeast, criticized the NGOs and the State
The authorities in the Southeast of the country submit their assessments of the situation one year after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. The Mayor of Jacmel, expresses his reservations about the mode of intervention of NGOs in the department. For its part, the departmental delegation, focuses mainly on the weakness of state institutions and also the need to improve collaboration between the various humanitarian actors.

The relations between the mayor of Jacmel and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have often given rise to "power struggles", since the earthquake. Ronald Andris, Deputy Mayor of Jacmel, laments that the mayor was not sufficiently involved in interventions by NGOs in this commune." He argues that this lack of communication has a direct impact on the victims in this region, he argues in favor of a redefinition of the relationship between NGOs and local authorities.

As for Ramilus Bolivar Departmental Delegate of the Southeast, he said he was aware of the importance of the intervention of some NGOs in his department, but criticized the attitude of most of these "who often do not take into account the recommendations of the departmental authorities".

Ronald Andris and Ramilus Bolivar pointing fingers the weakness of the state apparatus as the main cause of deviations from the NGOs. Both representatives urged the 53 NGOs (1) operating in the Southeast, first to sit with the authorities before starting the interventions.

(1) According to figures from the delegation of Southeast.

Article By HL/HaitiLibre / CB

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