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Haiti - Social : Independence Day, "free to protest"

Haiti - Social : Independence Day,

"The festivities" of the 207th anniversary of Haiti's independence [January 1, 1804] have led to some protests across the country. In Port-au-Prince, protesters frustrated by the post-election crisis, following the publication of preliminary results of the disputed first round, called for new elections under the supervision of a new Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) "We won our independence, so today we are free to protest and to demand democratic elections" other more radical protesters, demanding the arrest of the Head of State. Protesters blocked roads with barricades of burning tires and waste before being dispersed by the National Police of Haiti (PNH).

Demonstrations were also reported in Gonaïves, in the north of Haiti where President René Préval spoke to the nation on network of the Television National d'Haiti (TNH) at the occasion of this day of commemoration.


Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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