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Haiti - Sports : The Haitian "Rasta Piquett", selected for the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen

Haiti - Sports : The Haitian
Despite the earthquake in January 2010, the hurricane season, the cholera and social unrest that followed the publication of preliminary results of disputed elections of November 28, 2010, Jean-Pierre Roy, 47 years, nicknamed "Rasta Piquett" was embarked on a crazy challenge, that of engaging Haiti at the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen in February 2011.

At first, "it was an idea like that, I thought, well if I competed in World Championships in front of the cameras. Everyone would see a Haitian and wonder what he's doing there". To make this crazy gamble, Jean-Pierre Roy created the Haitian ski federation, which is so far the only licensee [he holds a license from the International Ski Federation No. 921 000].

Jean-Pierre Roy does not seek the glory nor a place on the podium, his only goal : to point out Haiti and this particularly difficult year, to all those who will watch it passing the pole during the World Ski Championships. "We want to revive the generosity in favor of Haiti through a communication campaign. We believe that the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen is an excellent medium to put Haiti on the front of the stage".

Simple amateur skier, he took part last Saturday, alongside skiers such Lizeroux and Jean-Baptiste Grange in the night slalom Fis Planards in Chamonix (France). A competition in two rounds where the clock does not count, but where skiers must cross the finish line without falling. Although an amateur, remember that Jean Pierre, last November, left 92nd in Val-Thorens (Savoie, France), and despite harsh conditions, was ranked 25th !

After the first round, Jean-Pierre Roy wondered "I do not know how they hold at that speed on a snow too hard ! I'll have to sharpen my edges for the second round. I think my skis are not well prepared...". Fortunately for him, the second round went well, so well that it is now vying for the World Championship of Slalom !

From a betting crazy to an "unlikely" victory Jean-Pierre won his bet by arriving 40th [and final position] without falling ! Haiti has no previous record, this competition serves as a qualification, thus Jean-Pierre will represent Haiti in the World Championship of Slalom in February "It's amazing, that touches me for my country. Really, I love you all" said Jean-Pierre, won by emotion on the finishing line.

Bravo Jean-Pierre for this victory not easy where 58 riders of class national and international, have given up before him. Like what, nothing is impossible for a Haitian. Good luck Haiti is proud of you.

Article by HL/ HaitiLibre

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