Haitian All-Starz

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What's it like to spend two months in Haiti? Lynda Criswell did, and you can enjoy her challenges and adventures in Haiti, the Lost Paradise. Asked to start a sewing school there, she recorded the unexpected adventures, turning them into a book so others could follow her travails. Lamar Lyon, the American representative for Good Shepherd Ministries, says, “Haiti may be the most unusual country in the world. Read this book and begin to find out why.“No one can be fully prepared for Haiti,” Lynda says, describing a voodoo man dressed head to toe in dead banana leaves who snapped a long whip just beside her head on her first day in Haiti, cracking a chunk off the concrete wall behind her.

Become involved in the daily life in this primitive country where driving ten miles on a pot-holedfederal highway takes an hour, and a woman has to walk three hours one way to a hospital to deliver, and return twice the next day. Follow along as the first ever Fashion Show in Milot becomes a reality. This book is available now through Lulu.com and will soon be available at Barnes and Nobles and Amazon. Lynda Criswell lives in Birmingham, Alabama, where she has taught Family Living in local schools and currently works for an alterations store. She is married, and has two sons.


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