Haitian All-Starz

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Haitian All-Starz's Blog – July 2011 Archive (7)

Haiti - The President Martelly supports the information technology

Haiti - Telecommunications : The President Martelly supports the information technology

During a workshop organized by the National Council of Telecommunications (CONATEL), at the Celebration of World Day of Telecommunications and Information Society which was held yesterday, Jean Jonasse Elysée the Director of CONATEL declared "We have all the services available in Haiti, although they are not evenly distributed across the country [...] The…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 27, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Tele Haiti announces its return and new services

Haiti - Telecommunications : Tele Haiti announces its return and new services
Seriously damaged by the earthquake of January 2010, Tele Haiti had to suspend its operations. The cable network, announced the early resumption of its operations in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince and their launch across the country. A good news for customers, although the date remains to be confirmed.

The company [51 years in Haiti] that leaves the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 27, 2011 at 11:58am — No Comments

Haiti - Reconstruction : $35 million for the electricity sector

Haiti - Reconstruction : $35 million for the electricity sector

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $35 million grant to support Haiti's efforts to modernize its energy sector and improve the financial and operational management of the state power company, Electricité d'Haïti (EDH).

The new, fast-disbursing grant is the first of three policy-based operations the IDB expects to make over three years to help…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 27, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

Haiti - Education : Specialized training of managers of the water and sanitation

Haiti - Education : Specialized training of managers of the water and sanitation
In order to meet the need of adequately trained personnel and immediately operational, the National Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA) appealed to specialized partners to implement a vocational technical training.

AgroParisTech, French engineering school specialized in water and sanitation, has partnered with the ENGEES (National School of Engineers of Water… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 27, 2011 at 11:31am — No Comments

Haiti - Social : A mother gives birth to quintuplets, Sophia Martelly offers 50.000 gourds

Haiti - Social : A mother gives birth to quintuplets, Sophia Martelly offers 50.000 gourds
Mrs. Sophia Martelly, the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, learned yesterday morning that a young woman named Sheila Médély gave birth to quintuplets at the Hospital of Cayes-Jacmel. She congratulates the mother and her husband M. Clément Numa while regretting that the only boy is born dead and that one of four daughters died.

The First Lady believes that… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 14, 2011 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Haiti - Cuba : 115 Haitian doctors have been graduated

Haiti - Cuba : 115 Haitian doctors have been graduated
With the graduation of 115 new Haitian doctors, last week, the total number of Haitian doctors, graduates of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago [Cuba] is now of 731. Dr. Rosa Delia Castellanos Decónger, Rector of the institution, has recalled that the first Haitian doctors have been graduates in 2005 under the program initiated in 1999, to meet the commitment of… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 14, 2011 at 2:54pm — No Comments

Yéle Haiti and HVS launch a hospitality training program in Haiti

Haiti - Education : Yéle Haiti and HVS launch a hospitality training program in Haiti
Foundation Yéle Haiti, which already offers vocational courses in carpentry, masonry and plumbing to the Collège Victor Esaie in Port-au-Prince, has announced an alliance with HVS, the world leader in consulting and services focused among other things, on the hotels and restaurants, to launch a pilot project of vocational training of hospitality in the sector of the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on July 14, 2011 at 2:49pm — No Comments

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