Haitian All-Starz

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Haitian All-Starz's Blog (346)

Haiti - Economy : Back on visit to Hinche of Martelly

Haiti - Economy : Back on visit to Hinche of Martelly
On May 7, Michel Joseph Martelly, made a working visit to Pandiassou and Betannie, in the commune of Hinche (Central Plateau) accompanied by a delegation of dignitaries, including the Ambassador of France, Didier Le Bret, and the Head of the Delegation of European Union in Haiti, Lut Fabert-Goosens, and Edmond Mulet, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 11, 2011 at 12:06pm — No Comments

Haiti - Reconstruction : Clinton Bush Haiti Fund invests $2 million in «OASIS»

Haiti - Reconstruction : Clinton Bush Haiti Fund invests $2 million in «OASIS»
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund announced yesterday that it would invest $2 million to complete construction on a major hotel project in Haiti that was abruptly halted following the devastating 2010 earthquake. The 130-room Oasis Hotel was fully funded and construction was well underway prior to the quake. While the building itself remains structurally sound, work on the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 11, 2011 at 11:54am — No Comments

Haiti - Reconstruction : Michel Martelly today in the North-East

Haiti - Reconstruction : Michel Martelly today in the North-East
As part of his efforts to achieve education projects and economic development, the President elected Michel Martelly, accompanied by Messrs George Mérisier, Education adviser and Wilson Laleau, Economic Adviser, will travel to Ouanaminthe and Limonade, this Tuesday, May 10, 2011. The President Martelly will visit the factories of the Compagnie de Développement Industrielle… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 11, 2011 at 11:35am — No Comments

Haiti - Constitution : A historic step in Haiti-Diaspora Relations

Haiti - Constitution : A historic step in Haiti-Diaspora Relations
"The Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), following with great interest the debate that began in the parliament to revise the 1987 Constitution. The Ministry expresses its satisfaction with the voting which was done on the night of Sunday, May 8, which eliminates a series of articles which were a barrier for the descendants of Haitian who have taken another… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 10, 2011 at 9:22am — No Comments

Haiti - Energy : Solar energy arrives in the villages

Haiti - Energy : Solar energy arrives in the villages
Six trailers containing modular photovoltaic generating systems are about to be shipped from Long Island, N.Y., to Haiti. These solar arrays are the product of an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) humanitarian initiative, in which volunteer work by a handful of dedicated and visionary engineers has been key.

Each village unit of the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 10, 2011 at 9:17am — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Warning of Michel Martelly to the CEP

Haiti - Politic : Warning of Michel Martelly to the CEP
At a press briefing yesterday Thursday, May 5, 2011, to the premises of the transition, to Bourdon, the President-elect Michel Martelly, has spoken about the crisis resulting from the publication of final results of parliamentary elections by the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) last April 20.

"Haitian people,

It is hand in hand that since 2…

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Haiti - Communication : Promotion «Digicel Krezi Millions»

Haiti - Communication : Promotion «Digicel Krezi Millions»
The mobile phone company Digicel launches a special promotion to mark its 5th anniversary. To thank its customers, Digicel offers more than 130 million gourds of call credit on the basis of 50 gourds per active customer ; that is to say, customers who have placed at least one call during the month of April until May 7, 2011. The recipients will receive 10 Gourdes… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:53pm — No Comments

Haiti - Social : Martelly emphasizes on sustainable jobs

Haiti - Social : Martelly emphasizes on sustainable jobs
President Michel Martelly, took part Tuesday to a meeting, of the Clinton Global Initiative at the Karibe Convention Center in Juvénat. This activity, which brought together more than sixty personalities from the private sector and NGOs, among others: Mr. Denis O'Brien, Digicel's CEO, Mr Frank William World Vision, Mr. Greg Mille and Mr. Walker Morris of the Clinton… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:45pm — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : The MHAVE celebrates the May 1st with the Dominican diaspora

Haiti - Politic : The MHAVE celebrates the May 1st with the Dominican diaspora
Without doubt, the most important event that took place in the diaspora for the Labour Day, was held in Ranchadero, Guayubin rural area, about 60 km from the border Dajabon / Ouanaminthe where more than 2,000 Haitian farm workers have welcomed, this Sunday, May 1, the Minister Edwin Parison, holder of the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), for a revealing… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Haiti - Reconstruction: Second popular conference of the Haitian diaspora of Montreal

Haiti - Reconstruction: Second popular conference of the Haitian diaspora of Montreal
At 12 days of the inauguration of President Michel Martelly to the head of Haiti, the Haitian community of Montreal wants to relaunch the debate on the reconstruction of Haiti.

"In the wake of the great debates of experts, the ordinary citizen of the diaspora had then felt that it was put aside, while we were talking about his country. It was then necessary to… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Haiti - Education : Training of thousands of Haitian farmers

Haiti - Education : Training of thousands of Haitian farmers
The U.S. government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), kicked-off Haiti's National Agriculture and Labor Day on May 1 by inaugurating a cutting-edge agricultural training center.

The Sustainable Rural Development Center will help modernize Haiti's agricultural sector by training farmers to use innovative agriculture techniques that… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Haiti - Economy : Art gives a new life to 350 Haitian families

Haiti - Economy : Art gives a new life to 350 Haitian families
It's spring, and signs of Haiti's economic recovery are popping up in surprising ways: handcrafted quilts from Port-au-Prince, papier-mâché vases from Jacmel, and jewelry from Croix des Bouquets -- all on store shelves throughout the United States, said a statement from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund.

More than 350 Haitian families are now able to provide food and… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on May 6, 2011 at 2:22pm — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Press conference of Michel Martelly

Haiti - Politic : Press conference of Michel Martelly
Yesterday, President Michel Martelly, back from his travel to Miami held a press conference in a hotel of Pétion ville, to make the point on his displacement and make a few clarifications "I traveled to begin opening the doors to ensure that when we begin our work on 14 May, our work gives results. You know that the workload that they [the Preval government] have left us is… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 28, 2011 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Haiti - Education : Martelly, free education and the Diaspora

Haiti - Education : Martelly, free education and the Diaspora
During his visit to Miami on Monday, President-elect of Haiti, Michel Martelly, asked the Haitian diaspora to support free primary education in Haiti through a levy on money transfers and phone calls.

Nearly four million Haitians live outside the country and form the diaspora, nearly half in North America, the money that the diaspora sends in the country reached… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 28, 2011 at 12:25pm — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Ginette Chérubin resigns

Haiti - Politic : Ginette Chérubin resigns
Following allegations of fraud, following the surprising decisions of the National Electoral Complaints and Challenges Bureau (BCEN), and various irregularities in the BCEN and the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP), Ginette Chérubin, Electoral Advisor to the CEP, had refused to initial the results and provided explanations in a letter dated April 24, 2011. In the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 28, 2011 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Haiti - Heritage : Rescue of the collection of Centre d’Art

Haiti - Heritage : Rescue of the collection of Centre d’Art
Since September 2010, more than 5,000 works collected are under treatment at the rescue center, thanks to a dynamic team and trained for this purpose, eight full-time professionals, under the direction of the Marie-Lucie Vendryes, museologist. The two containers are completely released last December and works are sorted, cleaned, documented and stored. The damaged paintings… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 25, 2011 at 12:22pm — No Comments

Haiti - Elections : 12 Senators accuse...

Haiti - Elections : 12 Senators accuse...
12 Senators, in a press note released today, strongly condemned the non respect of the will of the people expressed during the vote on March 20. Adding that before such political machinations orchestrated by the anti-national of INITE at the service of partisan interests, they undertake to defend the general interest of the nation.

For this group of Senators, the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 25, 2011 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Reactions of Michel Martelly to the confirmation of his victory

Haiti - Politic : Reactions of Michel Martelly to the confirmation of his victory
The Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) published late in the night [after many hours of delay without explanation] the final results of the second round of presidential and legislative elections. Michel Martelly unsurprisingly, was declared the winner [unchallenged] of the presidential, with 716,986 votes (67.57%).

Reacting to the confirmation of his presidency… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 25, 2011 at 11:51am — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Text of the joint press conference, Hillary Clinton - Michel Martelly

Haiti - Politic : Text of the joint press conference, Hillary Clinton - Michel Martelly
The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, chief of U.S. diplomacy, has received the new President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, for a lunch at the State Department. which was followed by a joint press briefing. Here's what each speaker said :

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

Well, good afternoon, everyone. It is a great pleasure and an honor for me to… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 21, 2011 at 9:12am — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Hillary Clinton had lunch with Michel Martelly

Haiti - Politic : Hillary Clinton had lunch with Michel Martelly
Sign of the importance of relationship with the United States, the new President of Haiti, Michel Martelly left his country on Tuesday for a three-day visit to Washington DC, before the proclamation of the final results which credits it with 67.57% of the votes [preliminary results of the second round, uncontested].

The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, chief… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on April 21, 2011 at 9:08am — No Comments

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