Haitian All-Starz

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All Blog Posts (385)

Haiti - FLASH ELECTIONS : The OAS recommends Manigat - Martelly on the second round

Haiti - FLASH ELECTIONS : The OAS recommends Manigat - Martelly on the second round
According to a draft report by the Organization of American States (OAS) involved in verification processes of the preliminary results of the first round, which has not been released publicly, but the Associated Press (AP) obtained a copy today, under conditions of anonymity, the report recommends that the candidate Jude Célestin is excluded from the second round and… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 10, 2011 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Haiti - Commemoration : Michaelle Jean will be in Haiti Wednesday

Haiti - Commemoration : Michaelle Jean will be in Haiti Wednesday
Michaelle Jean [former Governor General of Canada], Special Envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for Haiti, will make Wednesday a 24-hour visit in the capital, Port-au Prince to mark the first anniversary of the earthquake on January 12, 2010 and encourage efforts to rebuild the country. This will be her first trip to her… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 10, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments



A Nation Still Grieving as the One-Year Anniversary of the Earthquake Approaches

NEW YORK—January 10, 2011—It was just one year ago when the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010 struck Haiti claiming the lives of more than 250,000 people and leaving another 1.5 million homeless. The Yéle Haiti Foundation and its founding ambassador Wyclef Jean,…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 10, 2011 at 3:11pm — No Comments

Haiti - Reconstruction : 110 million from the World Bank for early 2011

Haiti - Reconstruction : 110 million from the World Bank for early 2011

The World Bank announced this week that it intended to launch soon two programs for amounting $110 million for Haiti, to deal with the epidemic of cholera and the challenge of the reconstruction after the earthquake of January 2010 .

The World Bank said in a statement that it will launch in early 2011, an Emergency Project against cholera for an amount 15…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 10, 2011 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Nobility Manolo Blahnik Shoes

Manolo Blahnik is the nobility of high-heel shoes,owning one pair of  Manolo Blahnik outlet  Shoes is the dream of any women,including the most popular actress who are aslo its wildly hot pursuer.
 Stylish women would not miss the chance to own Blahnik shoes at reasonable prices.Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes are synonymous with high fashion and quality.Wearing Manolo Blahnik shoes from this brand gives sumptuousness…

Added by jimmychooshoes on January 10, 2011 at 12:28am — No Comments

Documentary on Haiti earthquake to premiere

A year after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, a newspaper documentary about the nation’s plight premieres


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 10, 2011 at 12:03am — No Comments

DJ Goof's New Soft Kompa, Smooth Zouk Mix! 100% Good Music


Added by DJ Goof on January 8, 2011 at 1:05pm — No Comments


I was the out come of a beautiful island, 

Made by nature, not by man. 

The island of mountains, sun and seas, 

All within every part of me. 

The one we used to call Mother, 

And thought it had no less value than any other. 

But all is forgotten now, 

So forgive them Mother. 

My Mother, my island bore so much pain, 

It lost more…

Added by Andra Durace on January 7, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Haiti - Cholera Epidemic : UN appoints four experts responsible for the investigation

Haiti - Cholera Epidemic : UN appoints four experts responsible for the investigation
By announcing his intention to appoint an independent panel of experts last month, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, had underlined there are several theories on the origins of the cholera outbreak in Haiti. Not all reports have reached the same conclusion. Minustah and the Government of Haiti have conducted a number of tests. All so far have been negative. But he also… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 7, 2011 at 9:42am — No Comments

Haiti - Education : 278 Haitian students in the African universities

Haiti - Education : 278 Haitian students in the African universities
After Senegal (163), Benin (110) Rwanda has welcomed yesterday on its territory, five Haitian students, 3 boys and 2 girls [Nicolenstia Bateau, Wendy Bianca Jean-Ulysse, Ambroise Jean-Louis, Jean-Max Marcellus, et Estivens Fleury]. These five fellows selected by the Haitian Government, will be fully supported by the Rwandan government, and will join the National University… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 6, 2011 at 12:26pm — No Comments

Haiti - Politic : Fanmi Lavalas announces demonstrations for the return of J.B Aristide

Haiti - Politic : Fanmi Lavalas announces demonstrations for the return of J.B Aristide
Ansyto Felix, spokesman for the Permanent Commission of Mobilisation of Fanmi Lavalas, said this week that 2011 will be marked by a series of peaceful protests in Haiti and abroad, to obtain the return of former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, in exile in South Africa since February 2004.

A return that would be "citizen" and not "political" if we believe the… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 6, 2011 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Color of Hope: Rebuilding Our Haiti Together


Color of Hope (C.O.H) is a grassroots, community-based organization that strives to strengthen Haitian-Americans and the Haitian Immigrant community in Palm Beach County and surroundings through the combined strategies of community organizing, advocacy, education social services, cultural outreach, leadership development, and forging productive relationships with other communities. C.O.H works to…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 5, 2011 at 11:56am — No Comments

Haiti - Jacmel : Divergent opinions on the holding of the Carnival in 2011

Haiti - Jacmel : Divergent opinions on the holding of the Carnival in 2011
The second Sunday of January is always devoted to the official launch of the pre-carnival in Jacmel and gras days. This cultural event for many years brings together people from all social classes, from all backgrounds, rich, poor, white, mulatto.... Jacmel, "the City of Light, "touristic city", is internationally renowned for its Carnival. According to information… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 5, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Haiti - Health : Brazil and Cuba want to do more for Haiti

Haiti - Health : Brazil and Cuba want to do more for Haiti
At a meeting, held on January 2, between Brazil and Cuba, at the National Palace (Palácio do Planalto) in Brasilia, Haiti has been at the agenda between the new President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and the first Vice-President Cuban José Ramón Machado.

During this meeting, both countries agreed to increase aid to Haiti, which is fighting against a terrible epidemic… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 4, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Haiti - Social : Haitians from Santiago repatriates starting from January 6th, 2011

Haiti - Social : Haitians from Santiago repatriates starting from January 6th, 2011
Following the tension between the population of certain neighborhoods in the south of the city of Santiago, the second city of the Dominican Republic, whose inhabitants had issued an ultimatum to the Haitian for they leave their neighborhoods, threatening them to use force if necessary… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 4, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

Misty Jean Famous (Haitian) Miss West Indies

Misty Jean was born in Haiti in February 1983, misty jean started performing at the early age of three with the dance institute of Lynn William Rouzier who thought her dance among other things.

Misty Jean started singing at the age of seven in amateur singing contests with Paul Villefranche Since then, her passion for music became an…

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 3, 2011 at 3:46pm — No Comments

Sarodj Bertin Miss Haiti 2010

Sarodj Bertín, Miss Haití Universe 2010. Being the first representative of Haiti after 22 years of absence, participating in the MISS UNIVERSE pageant.

Born on April 11 of 1986 at Port au Prince. Daughter of Jean Bertin and Mireille Durocher Bertin. Ever since she was four, her interest towards art started, taking Ballet classes, Modeling, Jazz, and Karate.



Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 3, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Independence Day in Haiti: Celebration of Freedom

Independence day in Haiti is an important holiday. We celebrate it on January 1, the same day as New Year's Day.


On January 1, 1804, Haiti, located in the West Indies, made history by being the first Black Country to gain its independence. Haiti's original name was "Ayiti, Quisqueya, Bohio." It was a name given by the original inhabitants who lived there. After Christopher Columbus discovered the Island in 1492, he…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 3, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Haiti - Sports : The Haitian "Rasta Piquett", selected for the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen

Haiti - Sports : The Haitian
Despite the earthquake in January 2010, the hurricane season, the cholera and social unrest that followed the publication of preliminary results of disputed elections of November 28, 2010, Jean-Pierre Roy, 47 years, nicknamed "Rasta Piquett" was embarked on a crazy challenge, that of engaging Haiti at the World Ski Championships of Garmisch Partenkirchen in February… Continue

Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 3, 2011 at 10:11am — No Comments

Haiti - Social : Independence Day, "free to protest"

Haiti - Social : Independence Day,

"The festivities" of the 207th anniversary of Haiti's independence [January 1, 1804] have led to some protests across the country. In Port-au-Prince, protesters frustrated by the post-election crisis, following the publication of preliminary results of the disputed first round, called for new elections under the supervision of a new Provisional Electoral Council (CEP)…


Added by Haitian All-Starz on January 3, 2011 at 9:13am — No Comments

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